Flanner, a Head Start Center of La Puente, CA

Center Address
1314 Le Borgne Ave
La Puente CA 91746
Contact Phone
(626) 931-7973
Head Start Program
Bassett Unified School District

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Mary on 2021-12-17 19:20:42
Comment: My daughter came here she is unable to talk I signed her up thinking they where going to help her with her speech. Everyday I asked her how’s school? She said Sleep. I asked if she played she said no. They took her out for 10 days twice even when she was cleared from COVID. 2 weeks ago they made a false report to CPS. Mind she only been attending 4 months. I wish I can report them for all the things I was seeing wrong with this preschool. Parents BEWARE . Keep you kids Safe from places like this.
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