CLC Maple Avenue Child Development Center, a Head Start Center of Stamford, CT
Center Address
90 Maple Ave
Stamford CT 06902
Contact Phone
(203) 998-0695
Head Start Program
Greenwich Head Start
How to Apply
Documents for Registration• Current proof of income o Paid weekly, last four consecutive pay stubso Paid biweekly or twice a month, last two consecutive pay stubso A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating your weekly hours, rate of pay and schedule of payo Self-employed, a copy of your most recent income tax returno Proof of child support (copy of State or Connecticut check) for adults not living the householdo Documentation of school or training program, including hours, if applicableo Documentation of state assistance, if applicable • Birth Certificates for all children and underage parents living in the household• Proof of address: driver's license, lease, electric or gas bill • $50.00 non-refundable enrollment fee. Exact cash, Master Card or Visa will be accepted (NOT APPLICABLE FOR HEAD START PROGRAM)• A completed physical form for your child that is current within one (1) year• Child’s medical insurance card• At le
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