Spring Hill Head Start, a Head Start Center of Spring Hill, FL

Center Address
11245 Spring Hill Dr
Spring Hill FL 34609
Contact Phone
(386) 736-1325
Head Start Program
Mid Florida Community Services, Inc.
How to Apply
Applications for enrollment will be accepted as follows :Hernando and Sumter Counties9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or you may call for an appointment at the Hernando or Sumter centers listed below.Volusia County9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or you may call for an appointment at the Volusia centers listed below.Please bring with the following information to your application appointment:Birth CertificateProof of residency such as: Florida driver's license, utility bill, I.D., etc.Proof of income for parent/guardian for the last 12 months or previous calendar yearIf child has a disability: IEP, diagnosis etc.Proof of custody if applicable

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