New Highland, a Head Start Center of Elizabethtown, KY

Center Address
110 Highland School Road
Elizabethtown KY 42701
Contact Phone
(270) 692-2136
Head Start Program
Central Kentucky Community Action Council, Inc.
How to Apply
Child Enrollment Application To apply, please complete the following application. Each application must have the following to be completely processed and considered for enrollment: A. Verification of income of the family (Which includes any of the following): Proof of income for the last 12 months (pay stubs) Tax forms from the prior calendar year Proof of TANF or KTap Proof of Social Security Benefits Proof of Supplemental Security Income Child Support Unemployment Foster Care / Kinship Care B. Proof of birth for children 3 or 4 years of age by October 1, of the enrollment year: Hospital Documentation, Certified Birth Certificate, Passport Card, etc… In order to process your child’s application, it must have proof of income and proof of birth. Information collected will be used to determine your child’s eligibility. Once you have completed the application, please submit it to the address at the top of the application. Central Kentucky Head Start serves 520 children

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