Fulton City EHS, a Head Start Center of Fulton, KY

Center Address
212 7th St
Fulton KY 42041
Contact Phone
(270) 472-2851
Head Start Program
Murray Head Start
How to Apply
How do I enroll my child?To complete an application, call the Family Service Worker in the school district you reside in to schedule a registration appointment. An application packet must be completed prior to enrollment. In completing the enrollment process you will need to bring the following items with you?Proof of Income: Tax return, W-2, Social Security/SSI Award letter, verification of K-TAP, Unemployment Benefits, Child Support, and/or Student Financial Aid (verification of income for the year prior to application or the prior 12 months of income needs to be provided)Proof of birth of the child: Hospital Record or Certified Birth CertificateChild's Social Security CardProof of Insurance: A copy of medical card or private insurance.Custody Papers (if applicable)

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