BENSON, a Head Start Center of Benson, MN

Center Address
1800 Nevada Ave
Benson MN 56215
Contact Phone
(320) 843-2710
Head Start Program
Prairie Five Community Action Council, Inc
How to Apply
Head Start Recruitment & Community Resources Recruitment follows Head Start guidelines and covers the five county area. Enrollment priorities are (Listed in order of priority) a) Repeaters - 4 year old’s b) Income eligible 4-year-old’s c) Income eligible 3-year-old’s d) Income eligible 5-year-old’s with IEP’s or extenuating circumstances e) Over income 4-year-old’s with referral/disabilities At least 10% of the total number of enrollment opportunities are made available to children with disabilities. For more information and to receive an application call 800-443-4283 or email

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