Yale Head Start Center, a Head Start Center of Magnolia, MS

Center Address
9030 Highway 48 W
Magnolia MS 39652
Contact Phone
(601) 736-9564
Head Start Program
Pearl River Valley Opportunity, Inc.
How to Apply
Parents/Guardians who will be registering for the first time must bring the following documents:(1) Copy of Child’s Certified Birth Certificate (Long Form Preferred)(2) Copy Of Income Verification For 2010 (Any of the following will be accepted):- 2010 W-2 or Income Tax Return- Signed statement from employer for wages earned in 2010- Signed statement or computer print-out from public agency for public assistance received for the year 2010(TANF, Social Security, Child Support, V.A. Benefits, Etc)(3) Family’s Insurance Information (If Applicable)(4) Clear Copy of Child’s Medicaid Card (if applicable)(5) Clear Copy of Child’s CHIP Card (If applicable)(6) Social Security numbers for all household members(7) Proof of Guardianship (If Applicable)(8) Official School and/or Work Schedule on Company Letter Head (Early Head Start Only)

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