Sedalia/Buckner Head Start, a Head Start Center of Sedalia, MO

Center Address
357 Buckner Ct
Sedalia MO 65301
Contact Phone
(660) 886-7476
Head Start Program
Missouri Valley Community Action Agency
How to Apply
Head Start is available to individuals meeting the income eligibility requirements as well as children in certain special circumstances, such as foster children, children with disabilities, and homeless families. Applications for the program are accepted any time by contacting the Head Start center nearest you, the nearest Family Resource Center (FRC) or the MVCAA Central Office at 660.886.7476.

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 9 star by Ashley Nicole Clark on 2023-08-01 18:38:47

I live on buckner and wondering if Dad and I are not married do I the mom need to work the dad works and what is the age

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