SCS Head Start Swanzey Center, a Head Start Center of Swanzey, NH

Center Address
37 West St
Swanzey NH 03446
Contact Phone
(603) 352-7512
Head Start Program
Southwestern Community Services, Inc.
How to Apply
Head Start Applications SCS Head Start staff members do applications face to face. We begin our personal connection with our first get together. These meetings take place at the office, at Head Start Centers or in the home. They take about 20 minutes to complete. We do not give out or mail applications. People interested in applying to any Head Start Center must bring the following to an application meeting: 1. Social Security Numbers (SSN) for all members of the family 2. Something that shows four weeks of income for the family 3. The child’s shot (immunization) record and copy of the health form from the last physical

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