Cobleskill Center, a Head Start Center of Cobleskill, NY
Center Address
114 Lark St
Cobleskill NY 12043
Contact Phone
(518) 234-7521
Head Start Program
Schoharie County Child Development Council, Inc.
How to Apply
Early HEad Start families must meet income eligibility guidelines based on federal poverty guidelines or receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (T.A.N.F.).
Ten percent (10%) of total enrollment opportunities must be available for children who have been professionally diagnosed or suspected as having a disability. You can contact us at any time with eligibility questions 518-234-7521
Reviews: Be the first to review this head start provider.
Share your experience with Cobleskill Center, whether your child attended, you evaluated their
services, or you worked there. You can help others by writing a review.