Early Head Start, a Head Start Center of Marion, NC
Center Address
5 Reid St
Marion NC 28752
Contact Phone
(828) 652-1319
Head Start Program
McDowell County Schools Early Head Start
How to Apply
To Apply:You must complete an enrollment application with a staff member to be considered for any of the programs listed below. To complete an application we need you to provide us with the following:Child's Birth Certificate or Birth RecordIncome Verification for the past 12 months or previous year (w-2's, tax forms, pay stubs, SSI letter, Child Support print out, Work First, etc.)We also ask that you provide us with your child's Social Security Number due to our Child Nutrition program's requirements. We must have the child's SSN to issue a McDowell County School System Pin Number for meal tracking purposes.If we do not receive all the required information your child's application it is INCOMPLETE and does not go on our waiting list for placement.If you do submit all required information, your child's application will be ranked by the number of Recruitment Points scored on their application. Your child will be placed on our waiting list and will be placed in a slot according to their
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