Stanly County Head Start (Albemarle), a Head Start Center of Albemarle, NC

Center Address
405 Davis St
Albemarle NC 28001
Contact Phone
(704) 983-4742
Head Start Program
Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency, Inc.
How to Apply
To apply to the Head Start program, click the buttons below, and complete the applications. You will then save this document to your computer, and attach it to an email to SRCAA. Apply for services :

Reviews: Be the first to review this head start provider.

Share your experience with Stanly County Head Start (Albemarle), whether your child attended, you evaluated their services, or you worked there. You can help others by writing a review.

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Question by Andrea Riley (4 months ago): When can my granddaughter start head start programs?  I'm here from FL to help with childcare for her and would like to enroll her in this program. She turns 4 December 10. Thank you for your time. 

Question by Andrea Riley (4 months ago): When can my granddaughter start head start programs?  I'm here from FL to help with childcare for her and would like to enroll her in this program. She turns 4 December 10. Thank you for your time.