Salina Early Learning Academy, a Head Start Center of Salina, OK

Center Address
707 N Oak St
Salina OK 74365
Contact Phone
(918) 453-5757
Head Start Program
Cherokee Nation Early Childhood Unit (AIAN)
How to Apply
Eligibility RequirementsCDIB (Federally recognized tribes)Within 14 county Jurisdictional areaIncome GuidelinesAdditional RequirementsSocial Security Card of child and parentBirth CertificateImmunization RecordIncome Verification in the form of documents including: W-2; 1040 tax form; recent pay stub; employer's letter; TANF letter or SSI documents.Applications are screened and prioritized for enrollment opportunities. All children accepted for enrollment must submit a completed physical and dental upon entry into the program. If an application is on file, please contact the office to ensure the most current address and phone number are listed.DownloadsEarly Childhood Unit Enrollment Application (PDF 374 kb)Enrollment Criteria (PDF 74kb)General Contactheadstart@cherokee.o

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