Pennsylvania Head Start Shippensburg University Shippensburg Head Start-Shippensburg

Shippensburg Head Start-Shippensburg, a Head Start Center of Shippensburg, PA

Center Address
1871 Old Main Dr
Shippensburg PA 17257
Contact Phone
(717) 477-1626
Head Start Program
Shippensburg University
How to Apply
Enrollment The Shippensburg Head Start Program provides preschool services to children 3 to 5 years old. The Federal Head Start Performance Standards and the Federal Head Start Act require verification of the family income to determine eligibility for service. You will be required to complete an application and provide verification of your income and eligibility at the time of application. You may verify your income and eligibility using the following documentation:Income Tax Form 1040W-2 FormVerified by employerUnemployment CompensationPay stubsChild SupportSSI Determination letterCash Assistance Determination letterFoster CareHomelessDocumentation of no income You will verify the income of each member who is identified as a family member. Family members will be identified as defined in the Federal definition of family, as outlined by Federal Head Start Performance Standards and the Federal Head Start Act. You may make an appointment to complete an application

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