Early Learning Center, a Head Start Center of Spartanburg, SC

Center Address
301 Crescent Ave
Spartanburg SC 29306
Contact Phone
(864) 596-8438
Head Start Program
South Carolina First Steps to Spartanburg County
How to Apply
How to Apply for the Early Head Start Program You will need: Proof of Income Proof of residence in Spartanburg Coungy Age of the children Site Locations Spartanburg First Steps Early Head Start (FS EHS) provides quality childcare, family services, and parenting to children and pregnant women in 10 classrooms located in 5 center-based childcare sites throughout the county, better serving the needs of the families in poverty, since June 2003. The childcare centers currently partnering with First Steps Early Head Start are: School District Four - (Woodruff Primary) 200 Lucy P. Edwards Woodruff, SC 29388 Kelly's Kids, (South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind) 355 Cedar Springs Road Spartanburg, SC 29302 This is My Child - (Middle Tyger Community Center) School District Five, Lyman, SC 84 Groce Road Lyman, SC 29365

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 8 star by tina on 2023-01-10 03:08:23

Today was my daughter's first day and I am thankful for early headstart program. I went to drop daughter off and I couldn't walk in classroom I had to stand at door due to "COVID" and when I picked her up she had yogurt on her face they didn't clean her face until I arived there. But was nice and clean and glad my baby will be in day care

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