Navasota Head Start, a Head Start Center of Navasota, TX

Center Address
1605 Neal St
Navasota TX 77868
Contact Phone
(979) 774-3496
Head Start Program
Brazos Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
How to Apply
To be eligible for participation in Head Start, children must be under the federal poverty income guidelines. Parent or guardian must complete an application, provide at least two verifications of income for the past 12 months, a birth certificate and immunization record for the child. If you are interested in applying for your child, age 6 weeks to 4 years of age, please contact your nearest center:BVCAA, Inc. Head Start Administration3141 Briarcrest Drive, Suite 501Bryan, Texas 77802Phone: 979-774-3496Early Head Start3400 S. Texas Ave. Suite 7, Bryan, Tx 77802Lauren Artho, Director(979) 846-5782

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