Fitchburg Head Start, a Head Start Center of Madison, WI

Center Address
4709 Verona Rd
Madison WI 53711
Contact Phone
(608) 275-3712
Head Start Program
Dane County Parent Council, Inc.
How to Apply
Head Start Enrollment Head Start Part-Day Application Process Parents or guardians fill out the application. This form must be fully completed. Click to download in English or Español. Then the application form is rated with points given according to DCPC selection criteria. Selection criteria are approved annually by our Head Start Parent Council (HSPC). If your child is eligible for enrollment, the Enrollment Specialist will send you a letter (usually in early May) and will contact you to set up a time to complete all your required enrollment forms and screenings at your new program site. Finally, your child's Teacher and/or Family Outreach Worker will visit you in your home to complete the remaining forms and talk to you about how you and your child can participate in becoming part of our Head Start community.

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