Carthage Head Start/Early Head Start, a Head Start Center of Carthage, MO

Center Address
1810 S Baker Blvd
Carthage MO 64836
Contact Phone
(417) 781-0352
Head Start Program
Economic Security Corporation of Southwest Area
How to Apply
Head Start/Early Head Sta... » Eligibility and Enrollment What is Head Start? Head Start is a Federal program for preschool children ages 3 to 5. To apply for Head Start children must be 3 years old for the current session or be 3 years old by July 31st for the next session which begins in August of each year. What documentation is required to apply for Head Start? Proof of the child’s birth; birth certificate, hospital record, or Medicaid card. Proof of income for the previous calendar year; 1040-tax form, W-2 form(s), pay stub(s), unemployment, workman’s compensation, veteran’s benefits, alimony, child support, military pay, social security, or documentation of current public assistance, (TANF or SSI). A current doctor’s immunization record. (Child must be up-to-date on immunizations). What is Early Head Start? Early Head Start is a Federal program that provides comprehensive services to promote family and child development. To be eligible to apply for Early Head Start y

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