Home Delaware Head Start Programs

Federally-funded head start programs help prepare young children from low-income families, ages birth to five years old, and their parents for the social and educational challenges that young children face as they develop. Each head start program focuses on providing comprehensive services designed to enhance a child's emotional, social, cultural, language, reading, mathematics, science, health and nutrition education.

This head start center locator page contains links to listings of programs offered in the 3 counties in the state of Delaware. Each listings page contains the name, address and contact information for a specific county's available centers. From that page, use additional links to explore individual center facts, application instructions and directions.

Our head start center locator features the number of head start centers per county in parentheses ( ) to the right of the county names. To see a current list of your county's head start centers, click your county's name.

Delaware Head Start Program Centers Listed by Counties

Recently Updated Center in Delaware Head Start Program Database:

New Castle County Head Start, Inc.
Newark DE 19702-5411
New Castle County Head Start, Inc. uses the Creative Curriculum as the basis for its educational program. The curriculum addresses all aspects of children's development; socio-emotional, cognitive, and physical. The curriculum provides the framework for what happens in the classroom. The primary goal is to plan and provide opportunities for children to interact with their peers, adults and with the materials.
Wilmington Head Start, Inc.
Wilmington DE 19801-6607
Wilmington Head Start provides many services to both the child and the family. Our core program is tailored to the needs of 3-5 year-olds and includes literacy and social skills, for the parents, parental involvement and educational opportunities. We assist parents in finding a "medical home" which is an approach to providing comprehensive primary care that forms a partnership between the child, parent and their doctor. WHS then makes sure that the child is up-to-date on all required shots and exams. For those children with special needs, we will assure they will receive all necessary services.

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