Head Start Programs Kansas Head Start Clay County Child Care Center

Clay County Child Care Center, a Head Start Program of Clay Center, KS

314 Court Street
Clay Center KS 67432-2420
Contact Phone
(785) 632-2195
Head Start is a nation wide federally funded pre-school program designed to ensure that all pre-school children, especially those from low-income families and children with disabilities, have the skills to succeed in Kindergarten and future school experiences. Full-day and half-day classes are available from Monday through Thursday 9 months of the year. We serve children in Clay, Cloud, Ottawa, Republic & Washington counties.
Who is Eligible?

Children who are 3 to 5 years old are eligible for Head Start services. Pregnant women and children from birth to 3 years of age are eligible for Early Head Start services. Children and families who are homeless, in foster care, or receive TANF or SSI are also eligible for services. Eligibility is determined by Head Start program staff and some families may be eligible for services if they are determined to be at or below the federal poverty level. Some grantees enroll a percentage of children from families with incomes above the Poverty Guidelines as well.

Families are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply
If you would like to enroll your child in Head Start please call 785-632-2195 to set up an appointment. Head Start 314 Court StreetClay Center, KS 67432Phone: (785) 632-2195 Fax: (785) 632-6229Toll Free: 800.632.2196
Center Locations

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Terry on 2022-10-01 01:27:59

Badly run headstart program.  They do not care about the children.  They only care about themselves.  Teachers are cranky.  I would not take my child to this facility.

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