Head Start Programs Washington Head Start Family Services of Grant County

Family Services of Grant County, a Head Start Program of Moses Lake, WA

1402 East Craig Street
Moses Lake WA 98837-3165
Contact Phone
(509) 766-9877
Family Services Head Start offers a full preschool curriculum with qualified staff, meals, transportation, health screenings, and family support to 169 children age 3 to 5 at centers in Moses Lake, Ephrata, Soap Lake, and Grand Coulee. We evaluate the progress of each child three times a year. Access to books, art supplies, blocks, creative play, computers, and healthy food enrich the children's lives.
Who is Eligible?

Children who are 3 to 5 years old are eligible for Head Start services. Pregnant women and children from birth to 3 years of age are eligible for Early Head Start services. Children and families who are homeless, in foster care, or receive TANF or SSI are also eligible for services. Eligibility is determined by Head Start program staff and some families may be eligible for services if they are determined to be at or below the federal poverty level. Some grantees enroll a percentage of children from families with incomes above the Poverty Guidelines as well.

Families are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply
Eligibility / Enrollment Service Area Grant County Head Start conducts recruitment for the Pregnancy to Three Program within the city limits of Moses Lake, Quincy, Ephrata and Soap Lake. Children from outside those city limits may apply depending upon the parent or the school district’s willingness to transport child if necessary. Eligibility Pregnant women and/or families with a child under 3 years of age who meet the Federal criteria for low income are eligible for Early Head Start. The standard for a family of two (Single parent with one child) is $ 12,490 per year. If this particular family pays rent of $500 per month, nearly half of their total income would be used up in rent, and the remaining $6,490 would have to cover groceries, diapers, fuel/transportation, laundry, and every other need that families have. Families who qualify for Head Start: P-3 services are very low income. In Grant County, Washington many families qualify under the low income criteria. For that reason
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