REGION IX EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER, a Head Start Program of Wichita Falls, TX

301 Loop 11
Wichita Falls TX 76306-3799
Contact Phone
(940) 322-6928
Region 9 Head Start LONG-RANGE GOAL AND SHORT-TERM PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The primary goal of this Head Start program is to provide the opportunity for children and families to obtain success developmentally, academically, economically, and socially. This goal will be addressed by the following short-term program objectives: Enhance children’s growth and development. Strengthen families as the primary nurturers of their children. Provide children and families with educational, health and nutritional services. Link children and their families to needed community services. Ensure well-managed programs that involve parents in decision making. Ensure our approach to education is developmentally and linguistically appropriate in order to prepare children for school readiness. Ensure the Grantee and Head Start sites spend funds in an allocable, reasonable, and allowable method according to the Head Start Standards.
Who is Eligible?

Children who are 3 to 5 years old are eligible for Head Start services. Pregnant women and children from birth to 3 years of age are eligible for Early Head Start services. Children and families who are homeless, in foster care, or receive TANF or SSI are also eligible for services. Eligibility is determined by Head Start program staff and some families may be eligible for services if they are determined to be at or below the federal poverty level. Some grantees enroll a percentage of children from families with incomes above the Poverty Guidelines as well.

Families are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply
Section One: Enrollment by Courtney Cooner 2012-2013 Folder Checklist Enrollment Table of Contents Chart Review Disclaimer Inspection of Confidential Records Change of Status English & Spanish* 2012 Child Plus Application form: English - Pg 1 English - Pg 2 Spanish - Pg 1 Spanish - Pg 2 Head Start Eligibility Verification form Individual Systematic Selection form Income Source Documentation - or - one or more of the following Homeless Verification Form No Income Verification Form Tax Return, Check Stubs, W-2, etc. Notification letter* Acknowledgement of Parent Handbook signature form Copy of birth certificate Copy of Social Security card Copy of photo ID Proof of Residency Video Surveillance Policy* Legal Documents (if applicable)* Optional/Other Forms*
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