Home Wyoming Head Start Programs

Federally-funded head start programs help prepare young children from low-income families, ages birth to five years old, and their parents for the social and educational challenges that young children face as they develop. Each head start program focuses on providing comprehensive services designed to enhance a child's emotional, social, cultural, language, reading, mathematics, science, health and nutrition education.

This head start center locator page contains links to listings of programs offered in the 22 counties in the state of Wyoming. Each listings page contains the name, address and contact information for a specific county's available centers. From that page, use additional links to explore individual center facts, application instructions and directions.

Our head start center locator features the number of head start centers per county in parentheses ( ) to the right of the county names. To see a current list of your county's head start centers, click your county's name.

Wyoming Head Start Program Centers Listed by Counties

Recently Updated Center in Wyoming Head Start Program Database:

Absaroka, Inc.
Worland WY 82401-2802
AHS was launched in 1965, comprehensive services in the areas of health, education, social services, parent involvement have been provided to almost 20,000 Head Start children and their families. For over 40 years no other Early Child Development program has been as extensive and successful to meet the needs of the children, families, and communities that we serve. We cover 7 Wyoming countries ( Big Horn, Fremont, Washakie, Hot Spring, Park, Johnson, and Sheridan), 10 sites and 19 classroom serving 319 children - 3 to 5 years olds.
Children's Learning Center
Jackson WY 83001-8755
The Head Start program at Children's Learning Center provides crucial support to toddlers and pre-schoolers who live at or below the poverty level in Jackson Hole.
Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association
Mountain View WY WY
(307) 789-7384
Head Start is a federally funded program, offered at all six Child Development Centers, for income eligible children three to five years old and their families. Families must be income eligible to enroll their child in Wyoming Head Start. Head Start promotes school readiness in children and self-sufficiency for Wyoming families through health services, social services, nutritious meals, parent involvement, home visits and early childhood education. Services incorporate preschool two days per week with lunch and two home visits per month. Home visits are family focused, engaging parents in activities designed to improve child development and enhance school readiness. Staff brainstorms with families goals for improving self-sufficiency, facilitate parent engagement in educational and training programs and encourage their pursuit of employment. Staff provides information about services in the community and link families to financial, in-kind, medical, and social support services as well as self sufficiency programs.
Sweetwater County School District Number One Head Start is committed to empowering families by providing opportunities for early childhood development, family partnerships, and community involvement through quality, confidential services.
Head Start/Early Head Start staff encourages families to reach for their goals by helping them to identify their family’s strengths, challenges, interests and uniqueness. WCFD believes that the building of trusting relationships between parents and Head Start Staff allows them to share with and to learn from each other.
Absaroka Migrant Head Start
Powell WY WY
Absaroka Head Start is centered on children under the age of five and their families. All segments of the program recognize that the parent(s) as the first teacher(s) of the child. So that a children’s physical, intellectual, and emotional development is encouraged and maximized to its full potential. Children enrolled in the center-based model attend school four days per week and Fridays are Enrichment Days in which half of the children come for individualization.