Head Start at Calico Center, a Head Start Center of Tallmadge, OH

Center Address
89 E Howe Rd
Tallmadge OH 44278
Contact Phone
(330) 572-8535
Head Start Program
Akron Summit Community Action, Inc.
How to Apply
Enrollment Up to ten percent of Head Start/Early Head Start enrollment slots are made available for children with diagnosed special needs and up to ten percent of Head Start's enrollment can be over the poverty guidelines; however precedence is given to families that are income qualified first. If a child has been found income eligible and is participating in the Head Start/Early Head Start program, he or she remains income eligible through the enrollment year and the immediately succeeding enrollment year. Families in receipt of Ohio Works First (OWF) cash, SSI, and foster children automatically qualify. 2,163 children and families were served Head Start: 1,950 Early Head Start: 213 99% was the Average Monthly Enrollment as a percentage of funded enrollment. (year-to-date average ending May 2012) Percentage of eligible children served 90% of funded enrollment. (10% of families served exceed

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