Lafayette Center, a Head Start Center of Clarksville, TN

Center Address
150 Lafayette Rd
Clarksville TN 37042
Contact Phone
(931) 896-1806
Head Start Program
Clarksville / Montgomery County CAA
How to Apply
Registration for the 2012-2013 School Year If your child will be 3 or 4 years old on or before August 31, 2012, and if your income meets federal guidelines, then he/she may qualify for the Head Start program. Registration dates are listed to the side. You will also need to bring the following: *please note: items listed in bold are required to apply ALL proof of family income (most recent tax return or pay stub for 12 consecutive months prior to application date) Your child's birth certificate Proof of receipt of Families First, SSI and/or Food stamps, if received in the last 12 months Your child's current physical and dental exam record (meaning exam occurred no earlier than September 2012). Your child's Social Security card Your child's health insurance card Your child's white Tennessee Immunization certificate Proof of your child's learning disability if applicable (i.e. IEP, IFSP or psychological evaluation).

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