Ratcliffe Elementary School, a Head Start Center of Henrico, VA

Center Address
2901 Thalen St
Henrico VA 23223
Contact Phone
(804) 328-8100
Head Start Program
Henrico County Public Schools
How to Apply
Requests for informationThe center staff responds daily to phone and written requests for information which might include questions about advanced placement, guidelines for special education, programs for the gifted, or eligibility requirements for Head Start. Quite often the center receives calls from families moving to Henrico from other localities who want to know about special programs in the school system. By calling the Parent Resource Center, materials can be checked out and sent to an area school for parents to pick up.

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 9 star by Latisha Motley on 2023-06-29 15:04:42
Comment: My question is how do I apply my son for pre school in Henrico he turns 3 years old September 21st of this year and his pediatrician said he can apply because of being in Speech at Children’s Hospital already so he would be able to take it at school thanks in advance
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