Head Start Programs Virginia Head Start Henrico County Public Schools

Henrico County Public Schools, a Head Start Program of Henrico, VA

5915 Nine Mile Rd
Henrico VA 23223-2458
Contact Phone
(804) 328-8100
The overall goal of Federal Programs Preschool is to provide students the opportunity to learn by helping them discover answers through hands-on learning activities that stimulate their curiosity and creativity. The Preschool Program curriculum strives to increase language development, motor and thinking skills and social interactions through cooperative learning activities. The curriculum also focuses on social, emotional and physical development. Currently, there are 30 Preschool classrooms in 22 of the elementary schools in Henrico County. Students attend preschool 5 days a week for 6 ¼ hours a day. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are provided to those students participating in the preschool programs. The funding for Federal Programs Preschool is the result of grants (Head Start, VA Preschool Initiative, and Title I Four Year Old Program) braided to create one consistent program at all schools.
Who is Eligible?

Children who are 3 to 5 years old are eligible for Head Start services. Pregnant women and children from birth to 3 years of age are eligible for Early Head Start services. Children and families who are homeless, in foster care, or receive TANF or SSI are also eligible for services. Eligibility is determined by Head Start program staff and some families may be eligible for services if they are determined to be at or below the federal poverty level. Some grantees enroll a percentage of children from families with incomes above the Poverty Guidelines as well.

Families are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply
Requests for informationThe center staff responds daily to phone and written requests for information which might include questions about advanced placement, guidelines for special education, programs for the gifted, or eligibility requirements for Head Start. Quite often the center receives calls from families moving to Henrico from other localities who want to know about special programs in the school system. By calling the Parent Resource Center, materials can be checked out and sent to an area school for parents to pick up.
Center Locations

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